Ask one to be one!

In the not too distant past a man who was interested in joining our Fraternity had to seek out and ask a Mason to join. Hence the motto “Ask One to Be One.” If you know a man who is a Mason, just tell him you’d like to be one too, and he’ll get you started on your way. 

More recently the Fraternity has used social media to give men who are not personally acquainted with a member of the Fraternity the opportunity of applying for membership. Web sites like this one can provide you with insight and information to help you decide if you would like to become a Mason and give you the proper contact information to apply or learn more.

Where do I go from here?

The first thing you need to do is realize that the hard part is already done. Just by being here and inquiring about becoming a Freemason is the first step in actually becoming a Freemason.

Once you have decided on the why we can now get to the How? It’s a very simple process really. If you live or work in or near Andover, Massachusetts and wish to become a member of St. Matthew’s Lodge please visit our Contact Us page and a member of the lodge will reach out to you. If you are not local to Andover, you can visit to find the Masonic lodge closest to you. Freemasons have dedicated representatives, called membership chairmen or ambassadors, whose role is to answer your questions and help you on your journey into the Fraternity.

Now what?

Lodge practice varies: some lodges will ask you to come in to meet some members of the lodge (pre application meeting), while others may ask you to attend an event or two. What the members are trying to do is get to know you and give you a chance to get to know them. You will have the opportunity to ask questions and learn more about the Fraternity. The next step is to complete an application.